

11 lokalinvånare rekommenderar,

Tips från lokalbefolkningen

June 4, 2022
Good for breakfast, lunch and drinks.
January 16, 2022
€€ - Brunch/lunch - perfect restaurant for a brunch in the garden on the Navigli
May 10, 2022
“Combo brings like minded people together in a place where they can live, feel, learn and create, and above all, where unexpected things can happen. Our new location, housed in a banister house on the Navigli neighborhood, had to have one. Well you’ve probably already realised that Combo is a great place to work at your computer or chill-out with friends.”
February 14, 2020
Very nice chill-out, with music exhibits on the Navigli, close to a large public garden
June 12, 2022
Quiet place to hang out for breakfast, lunch and a friendly aperitivo

Combo med Airbnb-upplevelser

Lär känna detta ikoniska landmärke genom Airbnb-upplevelser, små gruppaktiviteter ledda av lokalinvånare
Hemligheterna att lära sig pasta och tiramisu
Privat rundtur i centrum av Milano med en lokalinvånare
Promenad privat rundtur med en journalist och hennes hund
83 Ripa di Porta Ticinese
Milano, Lombardia