
Pre-Columbian Art Museum House of Praise

70 lokalinvånare rekommenderar,

Tips från lokalbefolkningen

September 8, 2018
Stunning collection of Pre-Colombian art
Maria Teresa
August 6, 2014
Perhaps my favorite! The cosmological world of the Pre Colombian era shown in a 400 year old home.
April 16, 2022
This is one of my favorite museums in Quito. Its a jewel at the Center of Quito. You will discover a piece of our history through the lens of our pre-colombian art. Be sure to stop for a break in front of the fig tree located in one of the small gardens of the museum.
September 9, 2019
Interesante arte y arquitectura colonial. / Art and colonial architecture.
August 31, 2018
Best museum in town. Amazing collection of pre-Columbian art in a beautifully restored colonial house.

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N1-41 Cuenca
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